Friday, 7 June 2013

We must be knowledgeable to protect our freedoms

In editor Gary Sawyer’s May 26 column he seems to believe it is possible there was no conspiracy at Internal Revenue Service to target conservative groups. He suggests employees took a shortcut or were overwhelmed with these tax-exempt status applications or maybe it was just stupidity.

The serious, unlawful IRS actions must stop and every person responsible for the violations must be held accountable. It has been proven this IRS abuse was not limited to a few employees in the Cincinnati office. Top IRS officials know nothing or plead the Fifth Amendment or get promoted to direct the new office that will be responsible for affordable care (Obamacare).

I suggest readers view the website of the American Center for Law and Justice,, for details on this very real IRS scandal. The American Center for Law and Justice was founded in 1990 to help protect our religious and constitutional freedoms. Jay Alan Sekulow is the highly regarded chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice. Mr. Sekulow’s May 17 written statement to the House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means and other documents are available at this website.

Recently I’ve seen television interviews with Americans, people on the street. Too many people haven’t even heard of Benghazi, the IRS, AP, James Rosen or Department of Justice scandals. We still have our freedoms by God’s grace and by immeasurable sacrifices of our brave military heroes. How tragic if we lose our freedom by our own careless indifference to what is happening in our government.

Judith I. Gandy



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